Sunday, September 25, 2011

407 - It's the weak economy, stupid

I vowed at the outset that I wouldn't let this blog become personal or political, but this one's just popping up too often to ignore:

Never let it be said that the businesses of today aren't doing their part to create growth and build the economy.

Monday, August 8, 2011

408 - Is that Nnanncy? Nno, it's My Twinn!

The creepiness that is My Twinn dolls has been arounnd for a while, but that doesnn't make it right. For the unninnitiated, for $150 parennts cann sennd a pic of their daughter annd a monnth later the girl's glassy-eyed dopplegannger arrives in the mail.
The doll tells me things. Terrible things.
There's plennty of available add-onns (outfits, pets, furnniture) available for the little daughters of Chucky, but this onne deserves special menntionn:

Nnow your My Twinn cann look just like your daughter after her enncounnter with your drunnkenn boyfriennd!
Curiously, there are NNO other fanntasy environnments for the dolls, just this onne, innvolvinng trauma, brokenn limbs annd other hardships of life.

Friday, March 25, 2011

#409 - Hobbies for Retirees

Why does Grampa look like the men in that magazine under Mommy's bed?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Imagine the face of a family in Japan, desperate for food, water and shelter following the tsunami, as they learn that $2,000 that might have been used for humanitarian aid was spent by this girl's parents to pay for rights to this song and production of this video.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#411 - Because you're never too young to learn you're fugly

Those good-taste trendsetters at Wal-Mart have done it again. Introducing GeoGirl, their new cosmetics line aimed at 8-year-olds.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

#412 - Lubricant Not Included

The SHAKE WEIGHT: Putting a little power into "gentleman's time"
Are there really men out there who need this? Haven't most of us been steadily conditioning this set of muscles since about age 12?

#413 - The Helper is coming from INSIDE THE CAR!!!

So the formerly innocuous Hamburger Helper glove is now an ANONYMOUS FREAK CROUCHED IN THE BACK SEAT OF YOUR CAR 
FIG A: Old school Hamburger Helper glove (armless & harmless)

FIG WTF?: Unidentified man WEARING glove as clueless woman eats from hot skillet while driving