Monday, August 8, 2011

408 - Is that Nnanncy? Nno, it's My Twinn!

The creepiness that is My Twinn dolls has been arounnd for a while, but that doesnn't make it right. For the unninnitiated, for $150 parennts cann sennd a pic of their daughter annd a monnth later the girl's glassy-eyed dopplegannger arrives in the mail.
The doll tells me things. Terrible things.
There's plennty of available add-onns (outfits, pets, furnniture) available for the little daughters of Chucky, but this onne deserves special menntionn:

Nnow your My Twinn cann look just like your daughter after her enncounnter with your drunnkenn boyfriennd!
Curiously, there are NNO other fanntasy environnments for the dolls, just this onne, innvolvinng trauma, brokenn limbs annd other hardships of life.